HDS series handheld oscilloscope as the first generation models of OWON test measurement. Hit the users requirement when it born. Here is a story on how OWON HDS oscilloscope born.
A flash of the mind
It begins with a talk with professor from Zhejiang University. OWON’s R&S team decided to develop an original oscilloscope product at early 2000s. There happens a chance that OWON was able to discuss the market demand with professor of Zhejiang University, finding that there was requirements for more portable oscilloscope. After the discussion, OWON’s R&S team got back and initiated a plan to produce an easy-carry oscilloscope.
One day when reviewing the product of F Company, a flash of thought came into our mind- we can make a handheld oscilloscope just like the size of ordinary multimeter. It’s rare in the market and will hit a big success.
New function and difficult points to overcome
The project began after several technical meetings. Except for normal oscilloscope function, the team also added a multimeter module, turning it into a mixture of oscilloscope and multimeter. Another breakthrough is to enable battery power, which actually realize the portable purpose. With this feature, engineer can take HDS outdoors or put it on the lab table whenever they like. It breaks the location limitation on measurement process.
The battery power supply also brought a problem. It requires low power consumption for the device. Or it would run out of power at a short time. High power consumption also brings the cool problem. However, at that time, the hardware like CPU from existing bench oscilloscope consumes too much power for battery. Develop team had to consider a new design project. They re-design the power consume mode- cut down the power of the part that not being used and low down the power consumption. Other idea like employ the sunlight screen which could directly display the content by sunlight, saves the power consumed by backlight.
Finally come into market
The first generation of HDS oscilloscope came into market at 2006 after one year’s develop. At that time, handheld oscilloscope is rare in the oscilloscope market, only few companies product it due to the technical difficulty. HDS became popular with market for years after then. Certainly, there are plentiful CPU modules and semiconductors with low power supply now. But you shall know, at that time without those modules, how OWON endeavors their ability to realize a handheld oscilloscope. This is how OWON HDS oscilloscope born. A story about fighting against difficulty.
Previous: What is XDS?
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